I am pleased to announce that on August 5, at the Isola del Cinema in Rome (Isola Tiberina), I will present my new film Paradise Lost as an absolute preview, as part of the Adriano Aprà Fuorinorma Festival.

Francesca Fini, 2022
An alien creature wanders in a dreamlike and mysterious landscape that seems on the verge of collapsing at the first breath of wind.
This film was born from my desire to tell a recurring dream. In this dream, the unpleasant sensation of falling into the void - which we have all experienced at least once - fades into the feeling of precariousness and uncertainty characterizing our times. From the pandemic to the war in Ukraine, current events seem to mark a kind of countdown to nowhere. This alienating and dreamlike scenario is inhabited by strange and fantastic creatures who seem entrusted with the task of preserving the very essence of our animal nature.
August 5, 2022
Fuorinorma Festival, Isola del Cinema Cinelab space, from 9 pm. Click here for Facebook event